
“Assessment is not a spreadsheet; it’s a conversation.” — Irmeli Halinen

This report is a proof-of-concept for the proposed General Education assessment strategy at Ferris State University. Course-level student assessment data was gathered using TracDat and de-identified using a custom script. The clean and tidy data set was used to generate this report in both PDF and HTML formats with the bookdown package for the R statistical programming language. A total of 13 semesters of student performance on a lecture exam were used to evaluate student competency on Ferris Learning Outcome (FLO) SCI1. A meta-analysis of these data demonstrated that performance was essentially at the criterion of success. There was substantial variation in enrollment and course performance over the time span examined The utility of reports like these to analyze, distribute, and act up General Education assessment data will be investigated using faculty focus groups in the fall of 2016.

  1. Report number 1601, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/35GSR